Sometimes, on TradeStation, the indicators' size may look odd depending on whether you are using a 4K or Full HD monitor.
In CUE Elite, there are several indicators whose size may appear too small or big on different monitor resolutions. These include Headwind, Stretch Release, Movement, the band series of indicators (Band-Stretch, Band-Volatility, etc.), Squeeze, etc.
CUE Elite latest version has an elegant solution to size the indicators automatically based on the monitor resolution you are using.
When you open TradeStation, first open the CUE Startup workspace BEFORE opening anything else. This startup workspace (the study CUE Elite Startup included in that workspace) will validate your license and will also set the sizes of the indicators to make it a good fit for your monitor resolution. You do not need to make any adjustments to your CUE indicators after that - be it in CUE Elite-provided desktops/workspaces or your customer desktops/workspaces where you have used CUE indicators.
You may keep the CUE Startup workspace open and NOT use it for regular analysis of stocks. For routine analysis of stocks, you may use the other CUE Elite workspaces provided with the install file.
If you want to fine-tune the sizes of CUE indicators further, you may follow the steps below:
a) Visit the CUE Startup workspace.
b) Right-click on the chart and choose "Studies" and then "Edit Studies".

c) Highlight the study "CUE Elite Startup" and click the "Customize" button.

d) Now, customize the width of the various indicators and click OK. Each value must be in a range of 0 to 6.

e) Now, click on the "Save Study Group" button to save the settings. You may use it later when needed. You may give a name like CUE Elite Startup - YOUR_INITIALS, for example.

f) Once you have followed the above steps, you may apply them by refreshing the CUE Elite Startup workspace. You may do that by pressing Ctrl-R on your keyboard. Alternatively, you could change the symbol being displayed. That will apply the new size settings to ALL CUE charts/workspaces.
Happy viewing of CUE charts on the monitors of different resolutions!