Here is a lucrative short at the very top.
Its industry is among the bottom 20% in score and pace in #CUE Edge. The industry level allows us to short.

The stock is overvalued and has declining earnings and revenue growth. Funds are not buying. #CUE Vital's fundamental scorecard allows us to short.

Weekly has a bearish Indecision with a neutral color and bearish shape candle. Yesterday the daily displayed a bearish Headwind, bear Release, and bearish Reversal signals. High Activity accompanied the price drop. All these happening at Jump/Thrust High. Those #CUE Global/Elite technical signals allow one to short with low risk and high potential reward.

You could identify the stock using #CUE Finder yesterday itself. You could short it yesterday near the close or today in the morning using Fine Tune real-time chart.
That was the unambiguous #CUE analysis on the stock.
What is your view on it? Are you going to buy, short, or stand aside? If you are holding the stock, will you book profit, apply trailing stop or do nothing?